Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


The LMA has proposed a new Master program starting in 2007, which is called MMS (Mathématiques, Modélisation et Simulation) and has a focus on analysis, modeling, and numerical computations in PDEs; Robert Luce and R. Becker are co-responsables of this Master program. The core of this education is formed by lectures in four fields : PDE-theory, mechanics, numerical analysis, and simulation tools.

This master program includes lectures on physical applications, one of the three proposed application fields is CFD; lectures are provided by the members of the project; especially the following lectures have been given:

  • Simulation numérique 1, Robert Luce and Eric Dubach,

  • Analyse numérique des EDP, R. Becker and D. Capatina,

  • Simulation numérique 2, Robert Luce and Eric Dubach,

  • Méthodes numériques pour les EDP, R. Becker,

  • Mécanique des fluides, R. Becker,

  • Simulation numérique 3, P. Puiseux

  • Mécanique des Fluides et Turbulence, Eric Schall, D. Graebling